Video: Fly fishing on the river Vipava – RD Ajdovščina – Oct. 2014

Video from the river Vipava – RD Ajdovščina made in October 2014

The video was shot on the river Vipava, from the old bridge in Vipava to the dam in Brje. This part is full of big graylings, rainbow trouts and even marble trouts for which the season ends in October.

This part of the river is fairly accessible. Most of the current is pretty shallow, with some rapids, but there are also some deeper pools.

The fish here are very shy and sensitive, so you have to be very quiet and careful not to scare  them away. These characteristics made this part of the river suitable for more experienced anglers who are not afraid of a challenge. The most effective flies seem to be the nymphs, but you can try your luck with dry flies, too.


Peter Kodre | Peter Kodre, zgodovinar in ljubitelj morja. Ribič od malih nog, uspešen tekmovalec in dolgoletni član slovenske reprezentance za ribolov na morju. Več let uspešno svetoval strankam obalnih ribiških trgovin. Znanje ponuja tudi v praksi, od leta 2013 s svojim čolnom spremlja ljudi na morski ribolov po slovenskem morju.

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